Saturday, April 2, 2022


This strip was originally published on April 2, 2013 over at

I really debated how I was going to handle posting this strip today.

First, to clarify, my son is autistic, so this strip was very personal for me.

Second, we no longer Light It up Blue, but before I explain why, let's talk about what Light It Up Blue is:

Light It Up Blue is a campaign dedicated to raising awareness of autism and was launched in 2010 by Autism Speaks. Autism Speaks is the world's largest autism science and advocacy organization. This initiative is intended to raise international awareness of autism as a growing public health crisis in support of World Autism Awareness Day and Autism Awareness Month in the United States. This text has been taken from

Sounds innocent enough, right?

Well, here's the the thing. Back then, in 2013, my wife and I were trying to learn whatever we could about autism, and the one organization that was out front and center was Autism Speaks, so we got behind them. Right?

Well, we've since learned that they are not to organization to back. I'm honestly not going to get into all of here it, but only because I really don't have the time to go back and do all the research I already did a few years back for myself, and find all the links to back up my research.

Just know that based on what I found a few years back, based on stories in which it was revealed that they spend more of their budget fundraising then they actually spend toward research or actually helping people with autism, I was out.

That being said, I'm still proud of this strip and I'm super proud of my son.

So there it is. 

Remember, if you want Harold and I to get the band back together and create more comic strip fun, please say so by leaving a comment below.

Thank you, there is more to come!

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